Case Study: Brad, Marketing Executive Apprentice

Name: Brad Greenwood
Apprenticeship standard: Marketing Executive Level 4
Training Provider: Professional Academy
Result: Distinction

What did you do to prepare for EPA?

The key to my preparation was understanding the knowledge, skills and behaviours for each of the assessment methods. Understanding this meant I could effectively prepare for each segment and be aware of the criteria to work towards a distinction. The toolkit and guidance were crucial in supporting my preparations and allowing me to focus my preparations on where was needed and identify any gaps where I recognised I needed to improve or develop.

What were your feelings prior to any assessments taking place, compared to after the event?

Naturally, and as expected, I went into the assessment with some apprehension and nerves. This totally disappeared once the session started, the assessors are incredibly calm and supportive and this immediately puts you at ease and allows you to focus on the task at hand. I left each assessment with a strong degree of confidence and this was testament to the assessors.

How would you describe your EPA experience with your assessor and 1st for EPA in general?

Overall, a very positive experience. Every Tutor, Assessor and the support staff were friendly, supportive and knowledgeable – this gave an all round positive experience. The experience has developed me both professionally and personally and I’m delighted to have been given the opportunity.

Would you recommend 1st for EPA to a friend?

Yes – couldn’t have been more helpful! Couldn’t recommend them enough.

Do you have any tips for someone going through the EPA process?

Take time to read and understand all the toolkit and guidance, know the KSBs and then plan for each part of the assessment. This creates manageable chunks of work and helps shape the EPA process from start to finish, making the process a less stressful and manageable experience.

What have you done since completing your apprenticeship?

Since completing my apprenticeship I have joined an Oil Refinery located in Northern Lincolnshire as Communications Advisor. The skills I have developed over the course of the apprenticeship have directly supported me during the recruitment process and I’m looking forward to implementing them in my new role over the months ahead.

Well done, Brad!

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