Case Study: Chloe, Junior Content Producer Apprentice

Name: Chloe Grantham
Apprenticeship standard: Junior Content Producer Level 3
Training Provider: Apprentify
Result: Distinction

What did you do to prepare for EPA?

I used both the toolkit and criteria sheets I had from my mentor to plan as much as I could in advance for the EPA and then did several mocks and read through my notes/practiced what I could before the assessment. I found all of these methods and techniques very useful in aiding my preparation for EPA.

What were your feelings prior to any assessments taking place, compared to after the event?

I felt very apprehensive and nervous about the EPA however, after the first 10 minutes had passed, having met my assessor, I felt at ease and reassured and realized afterwards that they really aren’t all too daunting and in fact quite relaxed.

How would you describe your EPA experience with your assessor and 1st for EPA in general?

Very reassuring and relaxed, they made me feel very comfortable and at ease throughout the whole process and more like a peer than an assessor.

Would you recommend 1st for EPA to a friend?

Yes! It is the most comfortable and confident I have ever felt in an exam condition.

Do you have any tips for someone going through the EPA process?

Don’t panic or over think, if you have got this far, you are here for a reason which is that your mentor thinks you are more than capable to succeed and so you will. Have confidence in your abilities.

Do you have any other comments you would like to share about your experience?

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, from your mentor or anyone you know that can help.

What have you done since completing your apprenticeship?

I have stayed with my employer and became the Social Media Executive of the company.

Well done, Chloe!

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