VIDEO: Word Count Guide – EPA Reports
This is 1st for EPA’s video guidance on word counts for written reports that are submitted as part of end point assessment
Updates: the video mentions separate mapping documents and front sheets; we now provide Project Templates which have these included. Some standards have a Resource Pack rather than a Toolkit and these are referred to as ‘support materials’ in the transcript below.
Additionally, if you go more than 10% over the range indicated, any additional words will not be reviewed or marked, which may mean you have not covered all the assessment criteria sufficiently. If your word count is more than 10% under, and submitted for assessment, this will be marked as a fail, and your assessment may be cancelled. (This does not apply where the word count is a recommendation only.)
This is 1st for EPA’s guidance on word counts for written reports that are submitted as part of end point assessment
Report content and format
The requirements for the written report vary according to the apprenticeship standard, so 1st for EPA has defined these within our support materials. We recommend you structure your report into sections using suitable headings. The support materials for your standard gives you full details of what to include, and will indicate headings you may wish to use.
It also shows details of what needs to be submitted with your report. This might include mapping, appendices or presentation slides.
A mapping document is used to demonstrate how the work you submit is mapped to the assessment criteria. You should think of it as a checklist to make sure you’ve covered all the relevant areas.
When submitting your completed report, it is important to include an authenticity statement to declare that the evidence submitted is your own work. These often require a signature from your employer or training provider, as well as yourself. Electronic signatures are accepted.
Where your standard allows appendices to be submitted, these should be used to support the evidence in your project report, and not to introduce new evidence to meet the assessment criteria.
To enable accurate word count checks, all project reports should be submitted as a text file, such as .doc, .docx, .odf.
Submitting your report
All project reports must be uploaded to our portal, also known as EPA Pro. Many apprentices have direct access to the portal; others will have to send the report to their training provider to upload.
Check you’ve uploaded the correct document along with any relevant materials needed, such as a front sheet, mapping document, appendices or presentation slides. Once uploaded, no additional materials can be submitted.
Make sure your report is submitted by the deadline shown in the support materials, and at least 2 weeks prior to the live element of your EPA.
Important: if you do not upload your project by the end of the submission date, the component will automatically be marked a fail and you will be required to re-sit it. For some standards, this limits the grade you can achieve to a Pass.
Word count
All project reports are subject to a maximum word count, as specified in our support materials. A variance of +/- 10% is allowed where a specific word count is given.
If you go more than 10% over the range indicated, any additional words will not be reviewed or marked, which may mean you have not covered all the assessment criteria sufficiently. If your word count is more than 10% under, and submitted for assessment, this will be marked as a fail, and your assessment may be cancelled. (Where the word count is a recommendation only – see table below – this does not apply.)
If you go more than 10% over the range, any additional words will not be marked. Please ensure you also meet the minimum word count to avoid a fail grade.
Let’s have a look at what is and isn’t included in the word count.
What’s included in the word count?
All word counts will include:
- Words within the report
- Headings
- Lengthy descriptive labels, captions, references and footnotes
- Comments added to the document
Check the support materials for your standard for full details.
What’s not included in the word count?
The word count will not include:
- Title page or front sheet
- Contents page
- Short captions, references and footnotes
- Mapping document
- Appendices, except where the apprenticeship assessment plan states otherwise
- Words within images or screenshots (though these should be used to support evidence, and not to get around the word count)
Check the support materials for your standard for full details.
Word count requirements for each standard
This table gives a brief overview of the word count for each standard and anything you need to consider. Refer to your support materials for full details.
Standard | Further info | Word count | -10% | +10% |
Business Administrator | Academic quotes and a bibliography are not required. | Up to 4,500 recommended | – | – |
Business Analyst | The word count includes tables, diagrams/charts/ images and figures, though excludes references and annexes. | 5,000 | 4,500 | 5,500 |
Content Creator | Appendices, references and diagrams are not included in the word count. Appendices, must include as a minimum: a complete customer journey mapping and a copy of the original brief. | 1,500 | 1,350 | 1,650 |
Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Practitioner | Appendices, references, diagrams, etc. are not included in the word count, but these must not exceed 1,500 words | 5,000 | 4,500 | 5,500 |
Data Analyst v1.0 (synoptic project week) | Appendices are not required but you may use them if you wish. Any extra written information will count towards your total word count. | 3,000 – 5,000 recommended | – | – |
Data Analyst v1.1 | Appendices, references, and diagrams/charts/images will not be included in the word count. | 3,500 | 3,150 | 3,850 |
Digital Marketer (synoptic project week) | Appendices are not required but you may use them if you wish. Any extra written information will count towards your total word count. | 3,000 – 5,000 recommended | – | – |
HR Consultant/ Partner | The word count does not include tables, graphs and footnotes. | 5,000 | 4,500 | 5,500 |
HR Support | The word count does not include tables, graphs and footnotes. | 3,000 | 2,700 | 3,300 |
Marketing Assistant | Appendices, references and diagrams will not be included in the word count. Appendices should include: a presentation pack, evidence of delivery and a mapping document. | 3,500 | 3,150 | 3,850 |
Multi-Channel Marketer | Appendices, references and diagrams are not included in the word count. | 2,500 | 2,250 | 2,750 |
Marketing Executive | Annexes, tables and charts are not included in the word count. | 3,500 | 3,150 | 3,850 |
Marketing Manager | Annexes, tables and charts are not included in the word count. The annex should include between 8 and 10 pieces of evidence. | 4,000 | 3,600 | 4,400 |
PR & Communications Assistant v1.0 | The word count does not include annexes. The project report must contain an annex which contains up to 10 pieces of evidence relating to the project. | 2,500 | 2,250 | 2,750 |
PR & Communications Assistant v1.1 | The word count does not include annexes. | 3,000 | 2,700 | 3,300 |
Senior Leader v1.0 | Photos, diagrams and tables can be used to add value and clarity, and these are included in the word count. No annexes or appendices may be submitted. | 4,000 | 3,600 | 4,400 |
Senior Leader v1.1/1.2 | The word count does not include tables, graphs, figures, references and annexes. | 4,000 | 3,600 | 4,400 |
Senior People Professional | The word count includes tables, graphs, and figures, but excludes references, annexes, or mapping document. | 7,000 | 6,300 | 7,700 |
Digital Support Technician | Appendices, references and diagrams are not included in the total. The project report must map, in an appendix, how it evidences the KSBs mapped to this assessment method. | 1,500 | 1,350 | 1,650 |
Information Communications Technician | Appendices, references, diagrams and/or video clips of up to 10 minutes in length etc will not be included in this total. | 1,500 | 1,350 | 1,650 |
IT Solutions Technician | The project output is in addition to the 1,000-word project rationale. | 1,000 | 900 | 1,100 |
Software Developer | Appendices, references, diagrams, etc. will not be included in this total. | 4,500 | 4,050 | 4,950 |
Software Development Technician | Appendices, references and diagrams will not be included in this total | 3,000 | 2,700 | 3,300 |
Operations or Departmental Manager | The word count includes tables, graphs, and figures, but excludes references and annexes. | 4,000 | 3,600 | 4,400 |
Operations Manager | Appendices, references and diagrams are not included in this total. | 4,000 | 3,600 | 4,400 |
Data Engineer | Appendices, references and diagrams are not included in this total. | 3,500 | 3,150 | 3,850 |
Here are some examples of how captions might be used in a project report.
Example one:
This first example shows an image with a short caption. This is acceptable and the caption would not count towards the word count.
Example two:
In this second example, the caption has been used to add assessment evidence that should have been in the body of the report. This is not acceptable, and the full caption would contribute to the word count.
Example 3:
This caption is acceptable and the caption would not count towards the word count.
Example 4:
As with example 2, the assessment evidence should be in the body of the report. This is not acceptable, and the full caption would contribute to the word count.
Please note that this does not apply to portfolios that have no word count, where it is encouraged to add some context.
For more guidance and videos, view our other articles and videos.