Machine Learning Engineer EPA

Level 6

We provide Machine Learning Engineer EPA for the level 6 apprenticeship standard. 1st for EPA works collaboratively to support apprentices to succeed.Speak to us

Machine Learning Engineer EPAO – 1st for EPA

A Machine Learning Engineer apprentice will gather data from different sources to design, build, deploy and validate machine learning and or artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. Also known as AI professionals, Machine Learning Engineers manage the lifecycle of ML systems & models from initial deployment, to testing and updating of the next iteration, using industry best practice and frameworks to ensure fast, simple and reliable ML pipelines.

What’s involved in Machine Learning Engineer end point assessment?

The end point assessment for Machine Learning Engineer has two components. At 1st for EPA, we provide detailed guidance and resources for all assessment methods:

  1. Project evaluation report, presentation and questioning
  2. Professional discussion

EPA 1: Project evaluation report, presentation and questioning

Apprentices will complete a project based on a problem, issue or opportunity. They will write a report of typically 5,000 words before delivering a 20-minute presentation and undergoing 30 minutes of questioning with an assessor.

EPA 2: Professional discussion

Apprentices will submit a portfolio of evidence containing evidence related to the criteria that will be assessed by the professional discussion. The discussion itself lasts 90 minutes, and is usually conducted by video call, one-to-one between the apprentice and assessor.

  • Remote EPA

    Remote assessment for Machine Learning Engineer

    EPA for Machine Learning Engineer can be carried out remotely. The assessment takes place by video call, giving flexibility and a wide range of assessment dates.

  • Timescales for EPA

    Timescales for Machine Learning Engineer EPA

    The EPA period for the Machine Learning Engineer apprenticeship standard is typically 4 months. Apprentices can complete sooner if they wish.

    The project report must be submitted by the end of week 8 of the EPA period. The presentation delivery, questioning and professional discussion typically take place 2 weeks later.

  • Assessment Plan for EPA

    Assessment Plan for Machine Learning Engineer

    This qualification appears on the Ofqual register with the title 1st for EPA Machine Learning Engineer End Point Assessment. The qualification number is to be confirmed.

    You can view the Machine Learning Engineer assessment plan here. Alternatively, you can also read details of the apprenticeship, including the standard and EPA plan (assessment plan), by visiting the Institute for Apprenticeships website.

  • EPA Guidance

    Guidance available

    We provide the following support and guidance:

    • Qualification Specification
    • Apprentice EPA Resource Pack: full guidance on what to expect and how to prepare for EPA
    • Employer overview showing what EPA involves
    • Articles & advice

    At 1st for EPA we also run a training provider on-boarding session to run through the EPA process, timescales and best practice for EPA.

  • Machine Learning Engineer Apprenticeship FAQs

    Learn more about how end point assessment works in our frequently asked questions. For anything else, get in touch to find our more about the support we offer.

How does EPA work?

  • The training provider recommends an EPAO, often with input from the employer.

  • The training provider registers the apprentice with the EPAO, giving an expected date for EPA.

  • The apprentice completes Gateway and schedules their EPA.

  • 1st for EPA provides full support and guidance to help the apprentice prepare for EPA.

  • EPA is carried out with a qualified assessor.

  • 1st for EPA carries out quality checks, then emails the apprentice their results and claims their completion certificate from the ESFA.

What does EPA cost for Machine Learning Engineer?

The cost of an end point assessment for the role of the Machine Learning Engineer apprenticeship standard will be confirmed shortly.

EPAO for Machine Learning Engineer Apprentices

How we make EPA easy

Here’s why employers and training providers choose 1st for EPA as their end point assessment organisation (EPAO):

  • Support icon

    Support and guidance

    Full guidance and support is given to apprentices – We’ve created resources that prepare apprentices for EPA so they know what to expect and are ready for their final assessment

  • EPA Guidance

    Resource bank

    Resource bank with guidance notes to support apprentices through end point assessment

  • Experienced assessors icon

    Experienced assessors

    All our assessors are experts in the subject they assess. They understand the demands of the apprenticeship and the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to be successful

  • Friendly team icon

    Friendly team

    Friendly team to answer all your questions

  • Remote EPA

    Remote EPA

    We carry out end point assessment remotely wherever the Assessment Plan allows, meaning we work across the UK and can be flexible

  • Certificate icon

    Secure system

    To manage and schedule EPA

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